Not fancying the new movies that are coming out this Chinese New Year? Then how about watching some classics. These 9 below are classic evergreen films. Check them out in the list below:

1. Iron Monkey

Iron Monkey gives a different take on Chinese folk hero Wong Fei Hong and tells the tale of Wong Fei Hong as a child before he became an icon. He follows a fictional hero - The Iron Monkey, a Robin Hood equivalent.

2. God of Gamblers

Chow Yun Fatt's performance here makes him the equivalent of a Chinese James Bond. Suave, action packed, and exciting.

3. Eat Drink Man Woman

Directed by Ang Lee, this emotional drama is centered on food, and family. Perfect for family gatherings.

4. Internal Affairs 1,2 and 3

This one's a marathon, and if you thought "The Departed" was good, you haven't seen anything yet, since, it was inspired by this instead.

5. Kung Fu Hustle

Stephen Chow's satire on classic wu xia pictures with a touch of Western slapstick makes a comedic gangster film quite enjoyable. Even if you've seen this once, you'll want to watch it again.

6. Hero

Perhaps one of Jet Li's best performances ever, the film has the grandness of a Classic Hollywood epic directed by Zhang Yimou. Told in Rashomon style format, it is a tale of love and revenge.

7. In The Mood For Love

Wong Kar-wai uses Christopher Doyle's amazing cinematography style to tell smaller stories of love and passion in one of the most original way.

8. Police Story

No Chinese New Year is complete without Jackie Chan, at least, his older movies that is. This is by far the best action cop film which might just be on par with Lethal Weapon and Die Hard.

9. All's Well Ends Well

An all star comedic cast ensemble, you can actually do a marathon with this franchise including All's Well End's Well Too (1993), It's a Wonderful Life (1994), All's Well End's Well '97 (1997), and Ninth Happiness (1998).