We snap all our photos using our smartphones these days. And if you are like me, then your phone is probably bursting with at least a few thousand photos, depending on its storage capacity of course. And like me, you're probably a photo hoarder. There's just nothing you want to delete! Here are 5 signs you are one and how you can go about it.

1. You can't bring yourself to delete any picture

Every photo is a beautiful memory. I can't bring myself to delete any of them. But then, there are some where it is just pointless to keep. There are also some that are of the same subject, but taken multiple times. I managed to cull them by selecting only the best. After all, no one likes to keep an ugly photo.

We all are!

2. It takes you a few minutes to find "that one" picture you want to show

Imagine having 3215 pictures and all you wanted to show was 'the one' from some far back date. It'll be tough to find, but not impossible. You'll have to continuously scroll to get to where you want. Sometimes, you'll miss it. Delete the unncessary ones. Store the rest in the cloud.

Are we there yet? Are we there yet?

3. Your phone's storage is 90% photos

There's not enough room for apps or updates, simply because you've got too many pictures. When my kid was born, I would take 20-30 pictures every day. Now I have nearly 18,000 of them. There's just too many! Do I really need so many? I've made it a point to only keep the ones that matter.

Too cute, can't delete!!

4. You have double copies - one original, the other with an Instagram filter

When you apply a filter, you'll most likely get another copy of it with the filter kept in file. The original file doesn't change. Do you need two copies of it? No you don't. Delete it!

Filter for life!

5. You 'clear' your phone's memory by storing the old pics in your computer, thus, now making it your computer's problem

My 18,000 pictures of my kid? They're still in my computer right now. It's a problem I'd like to deal with, on another day. Probably when it starts getting low on storage.

Another problem for another day.