Shot by American photographer and blogger Nicholas Maggio, this risqué photo editorial features models Taja Feistner, Adrianne Ho, Kylie Cusick and more wearing nothing but a standard white T-shirt and pair of jeans against a black backdrop. Maggio explains the project below:
“The idea is to “strip” everything from these models except for a standard tee, no makeup, no hair stylist, no direction, and take pictures of them being them. Give them the opportunity to do whatever they want and be whomever they want for 20 minutes or so. With a career consisting of being told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it, its fun to give a little power back to the girls and let them have total control of the images. It gives the project a human quality and an aspect of realism I hope people can connect with. And yes… they’re also really pretty girls.”
More pictures can found here, but be warned as some pictures are very NSFW.