In October, we heard that Toei Animation was making a cartoon called Marvel Disk Wars: The Avengers, which would have a toyline from Bandai. But how will it turn out?

Let's just say it's going to be Pokémon-ized Marvel super heroes.

An updated plot for the series goes like:

Loki has trapped the world's super heroes into discs, so of course a group of kids, led by Spider-Man, must run around the world collecting them. Supposedly the putting-people-into-disc-technology comes originally from SHIELD, so I imagine we'll get to see these kids "choose" their hero/discs to fight bad guys, who happen to be wielding discs with Marvel villains in them. Whether Howard the Duck will be redesigned as the kids' adorable, wacky talking animal mascot is as yet unknown.

Here's a look at images of the toys, including 4-inch action figures and some discs that transform into figures.

This beckons the question of whether Marvel will be distributing this cartoon/toy combo globally.

[Comics Alliance]