The Japanese have created a new breed of automated food service. Classified as "kaiten" or translated as "revolving" in Japanese, the conveyor belt-based eateries serving sushi are not exactly new, but this one here comes with a twist.

Restaurants like Kura restaurant have updated its whole culinary infrastructure by using microchip-embedded plats and table side touchscreens to expedite orders. It also keeps the food moving!

So customers can order from covered plates of food that are on the conveyor belt, or use their touch screens to order a specific dish, which will be sent to unseen chefs who will be preparing the dish and sending it out via a dedicated separate conveyor belt.

For every five dirty plates, the diner has a chance to spin a virtual roulette wheel for a small prize, all this just by eating more. Payment is automatically recorded for each table and customers can quickly pay at the counter after the meal.

Check it out in the video below. Who needs waiters anymore?

BBC, via Yahoo