Steve Jobs got fired in the 80s, and a strange thing happened at Apple when he was not around. They decided to make the gadgets everyone thought was cool, they would have to make matching clothing too. In 1986, they released what was called "The Apple Collection".

It was hideous. Check it out below:

1. It looked preppy at first. But the cap was a deal breaker.

2. This was actually not that bad. But it may be the last nice thing you'll see.

3. On the left we have workout clothes? And the right we have, wear-it-to-attract NOBODY clothes.

4. What to wear to work.

5. This is where it goes..downhill.

6. Yeah..super nerd.

7. So grandma like.

8. 80s hipsters?

9. Even kids were not spared.

10. The ultimate fan-boy and fan-girl?