Airbags are pretty useful if you're skiing. You never know when you're going to need it, especially in the event of an avalanche. Black Diamond's new JetForce backpack uses a fan instead of compressed air which means you can try it out and practice before wondering how that backpack is going to save you.

The pack's fan has some key advantages. After pulling the cord in an emergency, a rechargeable battery powered fan roars to life at full power for nine seconds to inflate the airbag and keep it fully pressurized while you're being tossed in an avalanche.

The fan alternates between full and half power for a full minute to keep the 200 liter airbag inflated and to compensate for any tears. Check it out in action below:

The JetForce airbag can actually be deployed up to four times on a full charge. Check it out here: [Black Diamond via The GearCaster]