Garmin is entering the fitness tracker market with its Vivofit tracker. The device caters for those who need a lot more encouragement to get off the couch. That's right. No more saying you don't have time for exercise now.

The always-on display will keep track of your steps taken, calories burned and how far you are from your fitness goal. It also features a thin red bar that slowly gets longer after an hour of inactivity and reminds you to get up to go for a quick stroll to reset it. We see this particularly useful in an office setting. After all, we don't want to be sitting too long.

The tracker is useful for those who don't consider themselves fitness enthusiasts. The Vivofit will automatically set achievable daily goals so you don't have to go over your head with the whole being fit thing.

On top of fitness, it will also track your sleep patterns at night, since having good sleep is just as important to your fitness level. The tracker is available in five colors, and will be available in early 2014 and will sell for $130, or $170 if you want a heart rate monitor as well. [Garmin]