Earlier this year, as part of its “Make Love” ad campaign, Gap released this poster featuring sexy Sikh model Waris Ahluwalia. The ad was considered a big hit, and people were happy that the company was promoting diversity.

This picture showing one of the subway ads defaced was captioned from "Make Love" to "Make Bombs," and the writer had also scrawled "Please stop driving TAXIS" onto the poster.

Arsalan Iftikhar, senior editor at The Islamic Monthly and founder of TheMuslimGuy.com, decided to upload the pic on Twitter and Facebook.
"When I first saw my Facebook friend's photo of this GAP subway advertisement defaced by vandals with racist messages, I wanted the world to see how millions of brown people are viewed in America today."
Gap responded promptly by tweeting back, asking for details regarding the vandalism. It also immediately changed its Twitter banner photo to the picture featuring Waris Ahluwalia.

Gap is also working to replace the vandalized poster, which was reportedly in the Bronx. The internet noticed the brand’s speedy response and showed their appreciation in various ways.

[Daily Beast]