Remember the kiss that Princess Leia gave Luke Skywalker "for luck" in the original Star Wars - two movies before they discovered the familial connection that made this moment so much less romantic?

What did the rest of the moment look like back in 1976 when director George Lucas shot it at Elstree Studios in London?

Here's a previously unseen clip from the Lucasfilm archives, where you can see Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher practicing their moves, doing the difficult scene flawlessly and then jumping onto a crash mat in front of them.

Lucas said he had wanted to cut the kiss, but his then-wife Marcia (one of the movie's three Academy Award-winning editors) persuaded him to keep it in. But he did cut the rest of the line: "For luck. We're going to need it."

The clip is from the enhanced e-books of The Making of Star Wars, The Making of Empire Strikes Back, and The Making of Return of the Jedi. These hefty tomes from Lucasfilm editor J.W. Rinzler were released in 2008, 2010, and 2013 respectively, and they come full of revelations from the archives.