Long hours, dedication to a career, and increasing workloads mean that many of us will spend the majority of our days in the workplace. When conflict and tension arise, this can make the situation awkward and uncomfortable very quickly, and you may be unsure as to where to turn. Do you contact HR, or do you need to consult Barrister Support Services Inc? Will you need to find a new job, or can you be supported? Here, we have some of our top tips for tackling a workplace conflict, in the hope that you can get to the bottom of the bother and return to work with confidence and grace.

Assess The Situation

If you are concerned that you have a problem in your place of work, the first step is to assess the situation. Determine where the problem is coming from; is it a colleague, a boss, or another source? This will help you decide the best course of action, and the next steps in your solution. 

Keep A Record

It is also a good idea to try and keep a record of any behavior which you want to include in your complaint. These behaviors can include harassment, negative or unpleasant comments, being denied support or training, offensive or derogatory language or behavior, sexual harassment, or any other issues which are causing a problem. Make sure you log dates, times and witnesses to help strengthen your case.
You'll be needing these to serve as evidence especially if you've been assaulted and would like to file a lawsuit. If it reaches this point, you can consult with the best sexual assault victim lawyer NYC to guide you with your case. He can also help you settle your complaint to the authorities of the company you are working for. 

Get The Facts

It is essential that you familiarize yourself with the policy in your workplace. This will outline the steps you need to take if you are facing a conflict with a colleague, as well as the correct party to inform.

In most cases, this will be your manager, but this can be an issue if it is they who are the problem. In this case, there will usually be advice on what to do and who to contact—usually an HR representative or other authority.

State Your Case

When delivering your complaint, it is important to remain calm, clear and professional. Use your documented evidence to back up what you are saying, and try not to get drawn into any personal attacks or insults. Instead, rise above it, remain professional and explain what has happened, how it has made you feel, and the steps you would like to take to resolve it. 

Expect An Outcome

As part of the meeting, it is important that you state your wishes and expectations. What would you like to happen next? Perhaps, you would prefer to move seats to another part of the office, change teams, or would like disciplinary action to be taken. State your desires clearly, explaining why you consider them to be a valid course of action.

Remember To Follow Up

It is important that you follow up with a complaint or meeting to ensure that adequate steps are being taken. It is a good idea to request a written summary of the meeting, including points discussed and next steps, agreed, along with any timeframes and deadlines. This provides you with a physical document which can be used to refer to and can be used to challenge the necessary parties if action is not taken.