Agriculture and farming plays a very crucial role in every country’s basic realm of development, doesn’t it? With the kind of market that Dubai has, embarking and making an imprint in the market is not a cakewalk, it does require skill and expertise. The Nigerian farmers from the country are expediting ways to make their place known in the Dubai market and impact the $100 billion market that the city bestows upon. 

Much like any other year, this year is set to experience the agro export conference, titled as the Meet the Farmers Conference, Nigeria which is going to take place in Lagos somewhere around the next week. The date is yet to be finalized, but the rest is currently in progress. The event will not be like your fishing trips in Dubai but will include small scale as well as large scale farmers from the entirety of Nigeria discussing ways in which they can tap into the market in Dubai. 

Crenov8 Consulting, who are the primary organizers of the event are a digital marketing and consultation agency based around the Middle East, Dubai and Africa. This event organized by them is expected to welcome big names around the various authorities which is exactly what tames this as one of the biggest agro based event of the year. 

A representation from the Crenov8 Consulting states that this event will experience the presence of several stakeholders from around the world. The stakeholders are the pivotal point of attraction in the conference apart from the group of small scale and large scale farmers. The main focal point of the conference is to be a connecting medium for the large scale agro commodity producers with the subsequent buyers as well as the investors from around the Middle East.

These ties and new found connections are expected to not just establish a platform for the producers, but will also strengthen the overall international trade ties between the Gulf Corporation Council and the Africa through the grounds of agriculture. 

According to the ties stated by the organizers, it has been stated that this is set to create an amazing platform for the African producers and effectively end up translating their business deals and effectively form potential business partnerships with investors from across the borders. This is also set to ensure not just food security, but sustenance in the Middle Eastern countries and boost the economy in the field of agriculture in Africa. 

Business Consultant at Crenov8 Consulting, Bola Oyedele stated saying that the main aim and goal of the conference is to aim both the small as well as the large scale producers to help them instill their foot in the $100 billion market. It will also ensure to boost government partnerships across both the countries to promote better agricultural produce export to the United Arab Emirates. 

With the kind of results that is expected to ignite from this specific conference, if everything goes well, the outcomes are expected to leave behind quite a lot of impact in the economy of both the countries.