Being overweight isn't just a human thing. Animals get it too. Here are some pets who had a major body transformation because it was really necessary. From fat to fit. Now, they're all fab! Check it out below:

Kayla is a Mastiff type dog who, at her heaviest, weighed 61kg. Six months later she has lost 17kg.

Twelve-year-old Edinburgh cat, Amber, shed an impressive 17% of her bodyweight . Amber weighed a whopping 7.3kg – making her 62% overweight.

Bob weighed as much as 40kg. His new owner Kate managed to get his weight down to around 26kg, but he still has a long way to go.

Blobby Bobby’s greedy habits helped contribute to his whopping weight of 63.45kg – nearly twice what he should be. He has lost 10.5kg

Rescue cat Boycus was twice the size he should be

Daisy was crowned ‘pet slimmer of the year’ after losing around 8kg in weight – an impressive 27% of her bodyweight.

Fudge tipped the scales at a whopping 58kg, Six months later he weighs 48.8kg.

Harley lost over 4kg.

Jemma has lost 15.5% of her bodyweight, weighing in at 9.8kg (starting weight 11.6kg).

He tipped the scales at 20.5kg, around double his ideal weight. Six months on he was a far healthier 14.1kg (a loss of 6.4kg) and trimmed an impressive 20cm off his waist.

Duke was morbidly obese. Now he’s lost 5kg, 8.3% of his bodyweight and is weighing in at a healthier 55kg.

Hooch now weighs 69.7kg (starting weight 82.2kg), having lost 12.5kg and 15.2% of his bodyweight.