Quickly. Go watch it now. And then, join in the conversation here. There are just so many questions we have, all of which, will probably not be answered any time soon. Either way, spoilers ahead. I mean, MASSIVE spoilers.

So let's begin.

1. Who is Lor San Tekka?

This guy is so old he could have been alive during episode IV-VI, but we've never seen him before. How does he know Luke, what's his role, and why does he have that map? How did he get it?!

2. What's the connection between Luke, Rey, and Lor San Tekka?

Is it a coincidence that Rey and Lor San Tekka were on Jakku? As we know, there are no coincidences in The Force and the Star Wars universe.

3. What is Finn's story and was he there to provide comic relief? What was he doing in the show?

We're not sure what sort of role he's set out to play in the coming sequels, but one thing is for sure, he's probably not dead and has a bigger role that we're not sure of. Perhaps, Rey's lover?

4. What was Captain Phasma doing there?

We don't get to see her face under the helmet, and her role seemed important in the beginning but slowly fades away into doing nothing significant.

5. Who are Rey's parents?

Luke? Han and Leia? Who are her parents? Who put her on Jakku? Who does that to a 3-year-old girl???

6. Where did Rey learn to fight?

Yes, who taught her how to do all those things, including, fixing ships and being an excellent pilot? Is it genetic?

7. Did Kylo Ren know who Rey is already?

Kylo Ren seemed pretty interested when he hears of a girl helping the droid escape. What do you think? Does he know who she really is?

8. How did Vader's helmet survive the cremation and why does Ren have it?

Last we saw of Vader, he was burning to crisp and ashes on Endor. But somehow or rather, Kylo Ren is in possession of it and is somewhat semi-praying to it. Maybe he's saving it as it could have some monetary value later on?

9. Who the hell is Supreme Leader Snoke?

This guy is one helluva ugly dude and no one knows much about him. He's either a Sith lord wannabe or a secret Sith in training under Vader, or Luke could have trained him and he turned. Either way, what is his story? And where the fuck is he?

10. How did Kylo Ren turn to the dark side?

No one knows much of his story, only that Snoke seduced him to the dark side. But that's just about it. How did he end up there and where did he meet Snoke?

11. Maz Kanata has Luke's lightsaber but wants to "save that story" for another time

Sounds like a story you'll want to hear immediately. How did she get it? He lost it in Cloud City, and she just decided to keep it. In a box. Down some stairs that isn't exactly very secret to access.

12. Was this a Force flashback or flash-forward when Rey touched Luke's lightsaber?

Rey had some freak intense experience when she found Luke's lightsaber. What does this all mean?

13. Is Poe Dameron a clone or did he really managed to get off Jakku?

How did he get off? There's no story to it. Or obvious indication he escaped. Plus he looks super unhurt for a guy who just crashed a plane.

14. Rey 'sees' an island, and that's where Luke was hiding, so how did she know when she only saw a partial map from BB-8?

Kylo Ren force-reads Rey's mind and sees an island in the middle of the ocean, and right at the very end, that's the big reveal to where Luke was hiding all this while. What was he doing there? And more importantly, how did Rey know?

15. Will Han Solo be back for the next?

Yes, we saw him get lightsabered in the gut, but as we know, you only stay dead in movies if the writers somehow don't find a way to bring you back. Will he be back? Plus!!!!! NO ONE WAS MOURNING HIS DEATH. NO ONE!!!

16. R2-D2 suddenly turning on.

He could have turned on earlier when he saw BB-8. So why didn't he do it? Sounds like a deus ex machina to me.

17. Seriously. Has Luke been staring into the ocean all these years?

What the fuck was he doing there? Meditating? Geez.. let's hope they explain it all in the next episode.