This generation is a very connected one. And it's spread to even the previous one. Chances are, you only really use your phone right now for activities other than calls and SMSes. This new postpaid plan from Celcom  will make a lot of sense to this generation. Here's why:

1. It gets straight to the point: data and wifi.

Imagine a plan that just provides you data. 3GB Internet and 3GB WiFi.

2. You're in WiFi areas most of the time

Wifi is everywhere these days. You'd be aghast at places that don't provide it. It's like the new water. That being said, you're not really utilizing your mobile plan to its fullest, nor do you actually want to lest you have to pay for extra usage charges.

3. You send texts via apps

Everyone's either on Whatsapp, WeChat, FB messenger, Line or Kakao Talk. There isn't a real need for SMS messaging.

4. You haven't sent an SMS in Yonks.

When was the last time you actually sent one?

5. And even if you did, you're certainly not using the '100' over free SMSes in your package.

6. How about calling? You haven't talked on the phone for hours since you were dating.

Plus dating has changed a lot these days. From instant messaging to SnapChats and more, there are more ways to court someone over the digital landscape.

7. Which makes a call and SMS plan present for just-in-case situations.

Yes you're still making calls. But how long are you on the phone for?

But don't worry. It's got you covered too.

8. More people are communicating via text, email or whatever app you can find

While nothing beats face to face time, you're in more group chats, receiving more snaps, being tagged more often on social media than you were a few days back.

9. It's all about an on demand economy now

And that demand is all about data. This poll we did a few weeks back suggest people rather be able to connect to a messaging app than making a call.

10. If it's an on demand economy can we apply that to calls and SMSes?

This postpaid plan is unique in this way: you only pay per use for calls and SMSes, and if you do the math: you're probably not going to spend a lot on it. Furthermore, its offerings are the cheapest compared to any telco now.

FIRST™ Basic 38 by Celcom offers 3GB Internet and 3GB WiFi. And for those who can't even use all of what they're offering, it brings forward the remainder to the next month.

Sounds like a good deal. Plus it just makes good internet sense.