If you've not seen an angry cat before, this one here looks just like that. Albert the cat is taking over Instagram because he's got a resting bitch face that's just always on. Also, he looks super terrifying!

Just take a look at him:

He's perpetually angry.

Or he looks like he'll bite your head off anytime soon.

There isn't any picture of him meowing in adorbz-land.

Because this guy is one mean-looking fella.

Albert's hobbies include not smiling. And not smiling.

The natural resting bitch face is actually quite cute to look at.

Once you realize that he probably doesn't mean it.

After all, which angry cat is going to let you take this many pictures of him?

Even when he's trying to be cutesy, he's looking angry.

Angry cat is the new Grumpy cat.

You can follow Albert on Instagram. He's got two accounts—@pompous.albert and @alberttailsfromtheoffice.