Chaos is abundant when you realize there's no more toilet paper. What do you do? Everyone's been here before. It is a problem that never gets solved. Here are the things that happen when you run out of toilet paper.

First of all, you should have noticed there was no toiler paper, before you started pooping.

1. You pause.

You just can't believe it.

2. You realize there isn't extra anywhere around.

Realization kicks in.

3. You panic.


4. You think of other things to use.

Come on, there must be another way.

5. If you are lucky, there's a magazine lying around.

Okay, good. Close shave!

6. Then your imagination starts to kick in. Sure why not?

Magazine page = toilet paper alternative. Right? Right?

7. If you aren't lucky, you test the tap for water.

So who keeps magazines in toilets these days anyway?

You gotta clean old school style now.

8. Thank God.

Yes, thank God there's water.

9. You are relieved. 

Clean again!

10. You pray it never happens again.

Pro tip: Replenish if it is your own home. Bring a pack of tissues if you are out.