The Big Bang Theory is both entertaining and comical, but it is also very educational. In fact, it's got all kinds of life lessons hidden in the comedy. Here's what we can learn about life in the show. Check it out:

1. Smarty pants people really do exists. And it can be annoying.

2. If you want to try a pick-up line and weed out the incompatible mates, try one with science.

3. TV shows and movies are lying to you.

4. Nerds can have fun too.

5. Reality is very different sometimes.

6. It doesn't matter how shy you are with women. Just try harder.

7. Normal games are boring, but not when nerds take a swing at modifying them.

8. Don't ask stupid questions.

9. You can find love even if you are nerdy.

10. You can't argue with someone that doesn't have the same intelligence level as you.

11. Being truthful is not the same as tactful.

12. Don't overreact.

13. You don't need six packs to score. You just need to have similar interests.

14. Stereotyping is bad.

15. Being literal is quite annoying.

16. Not everyone cares about your problems.