Let's face it, how many you wannabe "lady-killers" out there even refer to dating as "courting"? Thanks to hookup culture, today's generation seems more interested into getting down to business instead of actuallying work at charming the pants off the girl of their dreams.

We're not expecting you to transform into prince charming overnight, but there are some things that can really make a difference in getting a girl to go out with you. A good way to start is by memorizing these moves below, and soon she'll be eating out of the palm of your hand:

Talk instead of text

Texting takes too little effort. If you really like someone, spending hours just chatting about nothing on the phone just to hear her voice will feel like a highlight of your day.

Make her a "mix tape"

Personalizing a playlist is a great way to express to someone how much they mean to you. And thanks to tech, you no longer have to spend hours holding a tape recorder to your radio in trying to create that perfect mix.

Go to the movies

Nothing beats going to the movies. You can both invite your friends to see if they click. Offer her your jacket when she's cold, or hold her hands during those thrilling scenes.

Take her to dinner

Food is another great way to find out if you have the same tastes as it also provides an intimate setting for just the both of you. Plus, you can fill up any awkward pauses by stuffing your face.

Go on an adventure

If you've managed to get this far, it's time to spice up your dates by surprising her with fun activites like dancing, a concert, festivals catching a local play, etc. This shows her that your not just some wannabe party boy whose only idea of a good time is to get drunk (unless if she also happens to be into that kind of stuff).

Offer to take her home

Assuming you're still a gentleman and haven't roofied her drinks, now would be the perfect time to sync the deal by asking her back to your place. If she's really keen on you, chances are good that she'll say yes.

As for what happens next, that's entirely up to you. Either way, at least you'll be forever known as the guy who knows how to show a girl a good time.