We compare the price and quality of products so we can purchase the ones with higher quality, for less. It's being savvy with your money, and you don't want to go broke from buying everyday items that you'd consume or discard within a month. But here are some everyday items that are so expensive, only a handful of people would buy them:

1. 22-carat gold toilet paper worth $1.37 MILLION DOLLARS.

2. This 750ml bottle of water by Acqua di Cristallo Tributo a Modigliani costs $60,000?

3. Only 30 bottles of these were made because the beer was brewed from an Antarctic iceberg. Each bottle was auctioned off and sold from $800-$1,815. However, all contributions went to the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society.

4. You can eat this hotdog if you have $2,300 to spare. It's made out of 60-day dry-aged wagyu and topped with Vidalia onions caramelized in Dom Perignon, sauerkraut braised in Cristal, and caviar.

5. Every gallon of this popcorn is $250, because it's made with organic sugar for the caramel, butter from Vermont Creamery, Nielsen Massey Bourbon Vanilla, the world’s most expensive salt from Laeso, and it's garnished with 23K edible gold flakes.

6. These sunglasses by Chopard are $408,496! It has 51 fully cut River diamonds, their weight totaling at 4 carats and 60 grams of 24 carat gold.

7. "Dubbed as the DNA of Cognac, Henri IV Dudognon Heritage is presented in an exquisite bottle. Produced since 1776 it is aged in barrels for more than 100 years. Exorbitantly priced at $2 million, the liquor is bottled in a bottle dipped in 24 K Yellow Gold & Sterling Platinum and decorated with 6,500 certified brilliant cut diamonds."

8. The most expensive cupcake in the world is $1,060! It's made with a whole 23 carats of edible gold sheets, Doves organic flour from the United Kingdom, Rachel's organic butter, Premium Amedei Porcelena cocoa from Italy, and gold Ugandan high-quality vanilla beans! Want to see how it's made?

9. Check out this $9.8 million chess set. This luxurious board is handcrafted and made out of 1168.75 grams of 14 carat white gold, and approximately 9900 black and white diamonds, bringing the total weight to 186.09 carats.

10. This stool is made out of 110lbs of pure gold, which means it's worth $1.3 million!

11. After consuming your incredibly expensive food and drink, it's time to brush your teeth with $99 toothpaste. It's the most scientifically advanced toothpaste and, according to blogger Lauren G. Dall, "After two weeks of using my 300 day and night my mouth is sparkly! Seriously, people have asked what’s different in my regime."

12. This $1.47 million pen is made from 30 carats of diamonds on a solid platinum barrel and also has a  a two-tone, rhodium treated, 18-karat solid gold nib.