You are 26 this year, and you're considered a young adult. Heck, you are one. But are you actually living your life as one? Or are you just a reckless 18 year old trapped in a 26-year old body? Here are 20 signs you're still not grown up yet:

1. You don't do the dishes.


2. You don't take the trash out.

3. You don't have a clear view of your finances.

4. You spend way too much without saving any.

5. You don't have good time management.

6. You don't watch what you eat.

7. You don't work out. At all.

8. You have no idea how to dress your age.

9. You can't handle a break up.

10. You don't know how to take care of yourself when you are sick.

11. You sleep way too much and 3pm is the norm for waking up.

12. Your weekend starts on Tuesday. 7am.

13. You can't cook a decent meal to save your life.

14. You take too many personal days, to catch up on Mad Men.

15. Your salary goes to alcohol, and alcohol.

16. You love procrastinating, but will never admit it.

17. You don't really know where your career is going or what your goals are.

18. You don't have a life plan. What will you do at 30? Or 40?

19. You don't know how to do your own laundry.

20. Your definition of hygiene is "I still have friends"