Behold Kuala Lumpur, a city of bright lights, big buildings, and even bigger dreams. Moving to the big city can definitely seem exciting since it has so much going on. Pictures and stories show that there's something for everyone in the city - endless things to discover and do if you know what they are or know people who know what they are. Everyone is smiling in pictures; at work events, parties, and even at breakfast eateries!

All the cool job postings are at offices in Kuala Lumpur, in companies that have other offices around the world. The opportunities are vast. It's time to put on your monkey suit, or hipster pants with a big red belt and brown hat, make some money, and look like you're having as much fun as those people in the pictures.

Coming from a small town, this all seems very alluring. But making the switch doesn't just involve a new postcode, it's a complete change of lifestyle. Some people can adapt easily to change, while it others take awhile. The best way to prepare for the big city life is to not hold too many expectations. People aren't going to be meeting amazing folk everyday, partying every week, or doing amazing things all the time.

Here's how you know you're ready to live in the city:

You Don't Mind Living In A Shoebox
Thinking about investing in a brand new 4R4B house in the city? Dream on. You'll be lucky if your salary is enough to cover the rent for a small studio apartment (weird roommates thrown in for free!)

Crowds And Traffic Jams Do Not Faze You
Get ready to spend hours stuck in gridlock on your way to a place that's supposedly "only 20 minutes away." You can always opt for public transportation, but expect to battle it out with the rest of the commuting masses during peak hours.

You Enjoy Queuing Up For Things
Most people consider standing in line for hours to be a waste of time. But in the city, this is part of life. How else would you ever get the chance to try some overpriced gourmet burger or be the one of the firsts to buy Apple's latest gadget?

You Don't Mind Walking Into Tourists... A Lot
While your small town might also be a tourist destination, the influx of foreigners on holiday isn't large enough to be disruptive. To really know what we're talking about, try navigating through Suria KLCC without making physical contact with the sunburnt backs of tourists who are constantly stopping to look at or take a picture of something, or look down at their maps.

Small Communities Bore You
How quickly can you assimilate to city life? Time to leave all your shyness back home or you'll stick out like a sore thumb. You'll have to be ready to mingle with people who are not your mother, neighbour, aunty, sister's friend, cousin's of other cousins, dad's friend's kids, your bestfriend's nephew, and primary schoolmates who also happen to be your secondary schoolmates and college mates. But hey, at least you'll never feel lost in a crowd again.

You Want A More Vibrant Nightlife
So many nightclubs, so little time. And say goodbye to starry skies, because you're likely to never see them again thanks to all the smog and bright lights.

You Can't Stand Peace & Quiet
Nobody moves to the city for any peace and quiet, so you had better get used to dealing with that drunk couple getting into a fight outside your window for the 7th time, or cabs honking at each other at 4 o’clock in the morning.

And that, my small-town friends, is how you know you're ready for life in the big city. If you can live in Kuala Lumpur, you'll be ready to conquer any major city in the world.

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