Pinterest is a great place to discover new ideas and tips that we can apply to our daily lives and style. For example, we've found plenty of amazing recipes on Pinterest, as well as fashion tips to zesting up a look.

There are also tonnes of party ideas, inspirational quotes, and DIY stuff you can find on there. What we didn't realize is that Pinterest was also great for sharing tips in the technology department. Here are some interesting hacks found on Pinterest, that can give us a hand with our gadgets:

1. Empty ink cartridge?

Ink companies are tricky, but this hack can make the most out of your "empty" ink cartridges. This resets the factory settings and you can use it to print off multiple more pages!

2. Make Your Own Cell Phone Charger...

With an Altoids box. Unbelievable.

3. Dead battery? Here's an emergency charge hack

4. Amazon Weather

You could use your Kindle as a weather forecast on your wall if you wanted. Not sure why, but seems cool anyway.

5. Earphones can help take your selfies

Selfies made easy! Why didn't we think of this before?

6. Make a Shoebox Projector

7. Google Maps Envelope

This is such a simple and visually pleasing idea! Print out some maps off of Google maps that cover your location and the location your sending your piece of mail to and tag your locations!

8. A USB Hotplate

All you need is the processor, a USB cable, and a metallic plate!

9. PVC Pipe Laptop Stand