Women aren't the only ones who are good at keeping secrets. Here are some of the most common secrets that all guys have but would never admit to:
  1. We occasionally check out other women. We can't help it, but it won't matter if we're already really into you.

  2. We also notice when other guys check you out. And that instantly triggers a protective machismo every time. 

  3. We stalked your Facebook before deciding to take things to the next level.

  4. We love it when you have girl's night because that gives us a chance to hang with our bros.

  5. Your hair clogging up the drain really freaks us out.

  6. We respect it when you initiate important discussions about the future (kids, marriage, etc). Just try to do it casually and with a genuine interest about how we feel about it.

  7. Even though we don't let on, we love getting compliments. While a little reassurance doesn't hurt, try not to make us out as too perfect either.

  8. We still watch porn, just not as often. And we totally watch it with you (if you asked).

  9. We were also SUPER nervous the first time we had sex with you...

  10. But we're not ALWAYS in the mood either because we feel bloated, tired, or stressed.So if his performance is occasionally off, this might be to blame. But most of us will still do it if you're feeling up for it.