Eager to catch the season 4 premiere of Game of Thrones? Then be prepared to spend hours buffering.

According to reports, HBO Go ended up crashing for thousands of users just as they tuned in to the first episode of the season.

Judging by the angry tweets from viewers, the streaming service was either taking excessively long periods of time to load or displaying the message, "Fatal error - Failed to load the service error definitions." The ensuing chaos forced HBO Go to continuously tweet updates and apologies throughout the evening.

And apparently, this isn't the first time that it's happened. During the season finale of True Detective, HBO Go also experienced similar problems. Back then, Time Warner CEO Jeff Bewkes had promised to invest more into HBO Go to keep similar malfunctions from happening again. Looks like someone has a lot of explaining to do back in HBO headquarters. Here's hoping that not too many heads will roll..