Owen Pallett wrote an article on Slate explaining why Daft Punk's Get Lucky was such a huge success. The interesting bit has got something to do with their use of English.
... let me draw your attention to the irresistible abuse of the word good: "We're up all night for good fun" vs. "Remind me to spend some good time with you."

First, this is a specifically Francophonic idiosyncrasy; native English speakers do not ask their lovers to remind them to spend "good time" with them, nor do they identify "good fun" as their motivation for staying up all night.
Secondly, the weighting is all wrong. Good is a word that needs to fall heavy, needs to be placed at the beginnings and endings of phrases. Remember Sir Paul McCartney's placement of good in "Good Day, Sunshine"—always settling on heavy syllables. "GOOD day SUNshine." "I'm looking GOOD, you know she's LOOKing fine." Worlds away from its apostrophic weighting in "WE'RE up all night for good FUN." For Daft Punk and Phoenix this little bit of language mangling works in their favor. It sounds off-balance and playful and sexy, like a foreign exchange student who might be a little drunk.
Read the whole article here.