What's up with March? We're just barely three months in to 2014, yet there's already been so many problems happening here in Malaysia.

All we can say is that whoever is in charge of marketing 'Visit Malaysia 2014' better not get their hopes up:

Water Rationing

Water levels have decreased drastically in recent weeks, mainly due to the prolonged dry spell. The authorities have implemented water-rationing measures for the whole of March to combat the low water levels, which is estimated to affect 722,032 households (about 3.6 million people).


The haze situation in Malaysia reportedly hit hazardous levels in Port Klang and Banting last Friday, and the situation is not expected to improve any time soon despite the rainfall expected throughout the week.

Future Music Asia Festival Cancelled

It's considered one of Asia's biggest music festivals, so it's really not surprising to hear about ravers getting high. But the party was cut short after six people died of a drug overdose on Friday.

Anwar Sodomy 3.0

The opposition leader was sentenced by a Malaysian court to five years in jail after overturning his acquittal on sodomy charges.

MH370 Goes MIA

The plane carrying 239 people on board on its way from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing has been missing for more than a week. What exactly caused it to disappear is still under investigation, but that's certainly not stopping everyone else from coming up with their own theories.