Waking up to the smell of bacon being fried in the kitchen is the best feeling ever. Of course, the bonus is that you get to eat bacon for breakfast.

But some of you aren't as lucky. Some of you don't have people who wake up before you to lay the bacon on the griddle. Not only do you not get bacon, you don't get to smell it either.

Oscar Mayer feels ya. He's giving meat lovers the chance to wake up to the sound and smell of bacon every morning! The company's Wake Up and Smell the Bacon app and iPhone dongle contains no actual bacon, but it's a complete bacon-themed addition to your iPhone's alarm.

The dongle plugs into the iPhone's headphone jack and, when paired with the accompanying iOS app, releases the smell of bacon as the alarm sounds.

“With nearly two million mentions of #bacon on Instagram, it seems people never get tired of bacon. That’s why our team decided to develop a device to give folks what they long for most,” said Tom Bick, senior director of integrated marketing and advertising at Oscar Mayer in a statement. “As the category leader, Oscar Mayer is thrilled to bring the first-ever, bacon-scented mobile device to market, giving bacon aficionados a new reason to welcome their morning alarm clocks.”

Unfortunately, Oscar Mayer is only making a limited number of devices, which won't be available for sale: Fans have to compete to win one of these by taking a quiz on Oscar Mayer's website. The contest runs through April 4 and winners will receive their bacon-scented devices within six to eight weeks.

Watch the bacon alarm clock's ad below: