Another Dad and Daughter Perform Lip-Sync of ‘Love Is An Open Door’ [VIDEO]
Jun 02, 2014 19:07
Can this daddy-daughter duo beat the very good looking couple who lip synced 'Love is an Open Door' in a car? Their cuts have gone viral and they've even appeared on the front page of Reddit over the weekend. Give it a listen below:
Spreading joy is quite a nice thing to do, and here's one little girl who started dancing in a subway, that soon got everyone joining in the fun. This is the pure joy of youth! Read more
TV show theme songs aren't what they used to be but some are getting back to what the old days were. This guy decided to make a cover and mashup of 20 TV theme songs in less than 2 minutes. It includes the theme from Mad Men, Power Rangers, Game of Thrones and more! Check it out: Read more
Here's a supercut of some 40 years of Jackie Chan in action. Almost everything he's done has some element of comedy in it. It's incredible! Check it out below: Read more