Remember that massive
British sex survey
which confirmed that most women still feel bad about wanting to have
more sex? Don't be ladies, because it's completely normal to want to get
your groove on like the guys.
New anthropological research on human behavior has found that when it comes to sexual selection, females aren't merely passive objects of male competition. Rather, they actively seek out multiple partners as an "evolutionary strategy." Over at
Slate, Eric Michael Johnson makes a good point about why this news is so beneficial:
In many societies today, including our own, women who are overtly sexual and pursue multiple male partners often experience moral outrage and “slut shaming” of a kind that is entirely unheard of in other parts of the world. While these cultural attitudes used to look toward science for justification, that position is becoming increasingly difficult to reconcile with the biological evidence.
So, can we all finally agree to stop labeling strong sexual women as "sluts" who are meant to be pitied by both sexes?