If you're currently on Medicare, you're probably aware that several options are available. Each of these options offers different coverage, so it's crucial to find the one that works best for your situation and needs. Learn about your Medicare Advantage Plan options here to ensure you get the best possible option.

When to consider getting a Medicare Advantage Plan

When you or your partner turns 65, it may be time to consider calling a Medicare Insurance Broker. A Medicare broker can help you understand all of your options and make sure that you have enough coverage for both medical expenses and prescription drugs. If one of your parents is already on a plan, ask them about their experience with Medicare options and what they like or dislike about it. This will give you insight into what kind of coverage is best for you and how much coverage will cost.

Where can you go to get your Medicare Advantage plan?

With over 1000+ Medicare plan choices, it's easy to be overwhelmed. But don't worry! You'll need a handy guide that will show you exactly where to go and what information you need to gather to find your perfect plan. As a Medicare Insurance Broker, The Big 65 has been helping Medicare beneficiaries understand their coverage choices with professional expertise and simplicity. 

What are the incentives to stay with your current health plan?

Some health insurance plans have contracts that lock in clients for one to three years. If your plan includes incentives like low out-of-pocket costs or a lower premium, it might be worth sticking with it until your contract is up. But if you're not happy with your current plan or want to switch because of network changes or an employer change, look into your other options. Many different insurance companies may offer better plans and benefits for you. Contact a verified medical insurance broker for more information on incentives and their impact on your prospective coverage. 

What Medicare Plan Options are available for Low-income earners?

Starting with Medigap, low-income earners have three options. Find out what they are in your state and how to save money. Search your plan options by state. As you get older, it is more important than ever to find ways to cut healthcare costs while maintaining the quality of care. One major way of doing so is understanding your Medicare plan options and deciding which will best suit your needs at any given time. Alternatively, seek the guidance of a trusted Medicare Insurance agent. 

Do you want to reduce costs on your existing Medicare Coverage plan?

If you're happy with your current Medicare plan, you might not need to do anything. Most people who have original Medicare (Parts A and B) can keep their current plan as long as it is still offered. If your current plan ends, you will have a seven-month window to switch to another health insurance provider. Switching to the next care option might be mind-boggling, especially when you don't conduct due diligence. That's why it's advisable to use the services of your trusted Medicare insurance agent to explore all the options at your disposal and select the most viable one. 


Many people are not aware of Medicare insurance and how it differs from traditional health insurance. These two options have different characteristics but also differ in their coverage. To be informed when you are shopping for your ideal plan, take some time to read a comparison of these plans online or speak with a licensed agent by phone. This will help you decide what works best for your needs and budget.