FOMO is a strong feeling of tension from the fact that you seem to miss some opportunities. I have to do something cool, make the only right choice, getting the most benefit and pleasure. It is a neurotic reaction characterized by high levels of tension, anxiety, and feelings of inferiority. Living in a constant, every second sense of "taste of life" is not the norm for our neurohumoral system. Many students are experiencing this syndrome and don’t even know they have it or how to deal with it. So, if this topic is interesting to you, keep on reading!

How To Deal With FOMO?

When FOMO causes some discomfort and mental suffering of a more or less permanent nature, then this is a reason to seek help. Because now it can be longing for summer, and tomorrow the consequences can be serious - in the form of anxiety and depression. Therefore, if you constantly think that everyone around you is having a great time or doing cool projects, handing in high-class essays and you do not succeed, this is a reason to consult a specialist at least in order to understand what is happening to you. It may turn out that this condition is the pathology of the body. 

Remember that if you have a too-busy academic load, you can always delegate part of your papers to a professional essay writing service. This way you will not be missing any opportunities and improve your academic performance.

If this feeling only appears from time to time, you should also monitor and notice it. It's like clouds in the sky: I can wave my arms, but they won't go away. So, with unpleasant thoughts about lost opportunities: they come and go, if you do not focus too much on them. But if it becomes a reason for strong anxiety, negative emotions, and self-blame, it is a reason to consult a psychotherapist.

If the feeling of lost opportunities is related to spending free time and rest, planning and the ability to listen to yourself can help. Recreation is the same activity like any other, so it is very important to pay attention to yourself and listen to how you want to relax now. Rest should be a form of recovery, it should be a change of scenery, the arrival of new impressions, feelings, emotions. And it is worth planning.

How To Make A Choice And Not Regret It

If you fear losing some opportunities, you may miss them all. This is one of the big problems that people often come to with psychotherapy.

FOMO is probably experienced from time to time by everyone now, having such a flow of information around them. But the question is how much I was in touch with myself, how much I felt that the choice made was comfortable for me at the time. The most important thing is to make the choice that is best for me now, and it doesn't matter if it's a vacation or a job. You can be guided by objective facts or intuitive feelings, who is closer. But it is important that the choice is made by me. Even if I think I had to choose something else, at least I know I made a conscious decision.

It is also useful to reserve the opportunity to pass back. If you give yourself the right to change your mind, the choice is perceived much easier. Sometimes it also works to ask for help or additional advice from someone. Like, if you are having trouble when writing an essay you could use some help from services like PayforEssay, this will reduce your fear and improve your academic results.

What To Do When I Feel Anxious

FOMO causes anxiety which is quite threatening to our brain. You can learn how to deal with it. Knowing this, you can respect this intense experience, make this process as comfortable as possible for yourself. There are techniques and exercises that will help to cope with unpleasant sensations.

Give Yourself Time, Pause

Someone just needs time to make a decision. For example, when we find out that there are 5 events in the city at the same time, and we get excited, we want everything at once. You just have to give yourself time. In half an hour we will be able to make a more informed choice, evaluating all the possibilities.


This is an option for constant training. If you spend at least a few minutes meditating every day, you are developing a skill that you can consciously use to calm yourself at the right time.

Any technique related to the body, breathing, feeling the feet that touch the ground, everything that brings us back to the body helps to reduce anxiety. Of course, there are much more techniques out there, you just need to try as more as you can and find out what will be working correctly for you.  Also, if you need some additional academic help you may find this article interesting -


Introducing Eric Ward – the man of many talents, including academic writing. Eric takes great pride in helping new generations of college graduates in the U.S. to get their diploma successfully and be able to pay off college loans faster. Also, Eric is a cool guy to talk to on non-work related topics, from sports to high cuisine.