In the summer people don’t generally worry too much about damp air or mold. Of course, this doesn’t mean the damp air isn’t there, it's just the heat of the sun will often dry the air before it becomes an issue.

However, it is worth noting that warm air carries more moisture than cold air. The issue is when the air cools that moisture must go somewhere. As warm air rises and cool air sinks, the excess moisture is most likely to occur at the lowest level of your home. That means the basement of under your floor.

Unfortunately, dampness in these areas often goes unnoticed although it will attract mold spores which can be harmful to your health.

You need to take steps to lower the humidity in the air and effectively reduce the damp in your home. 

Increase Ventilation

Moving the air helps to eliminate moisture by taking the moisture-laden air and pushing it out of your home, replacing it with drier air.  This is easier to do than you think. You need to fit a quality underfloor ventilation.

This type of system draws in the cooler air from outside the home and pushes the warm air out. In doing so it eliminates most of the moisture and reduces any health problems or structural issues you may experience.

The underfloor ventilation system will use a fan to pull air in or push it out. It will also need a vent to allow the movement of air. These are generally placed on opposing walls to ensure good air circulation.


These are relatively quiet machines that suck the air in from your home, remove the moisture, and release the air back into your home. They can also have filters fitted to help improve the quality of the air. 

The water is either collected in the dehumidifier or piped outside your home.

If it’s in the dehumidifier you’ll need to empty it regularly. Should it be piped outside it’s important to ensure it is draining away from your home and not stagnating. Pools of water are very attractive to pests.

A dehumidifier is generally considered essential if your humidity levels are over 65%.


All plants need water to survive but you may not know that some plants actually absorb water from the air around them. Ferns are particularly good at this, they’ll also absorb carbon dioxide and create more oxygen which is beneficial for you.

You can position them around your home and you’ll be lowering humidity and reducing your energy bill as you won’t need a dehumidifier!

Dry Clothing

When you hang clothes around your home to dry you’re releasing the moisture into the air, after all, it has to go somewhere. This is increasing the humidity in your home and creating issues. If you can’t air dry the clothes outside you should use a dryer. This will pump the damp air outside of your house, preventing you from increasing your humidity levels.