Because clinical studies are showing health-boosting benefits, CBD is gaining researchers’ attention. So far, the concentration has been focused on human trials, but research is steadily beginning on canines with the belief that it will be as helpful for the species as it’s shown to be thus far for people.

Manufacturers of products follow the same thought process having created products suited for, not only canines - view the dog page, but other animals, due to each mammal having a similar endocannabinoid system, which interacts with the cannabinoid to regulate the body functionality through the ECS receptors. 

The notion is that the effects would presumably be favorable across the mammalian population since each suffers comparable ailments with age progression, and humans are having success. Also, in the few dog studies, the animals’ results are positive, particularly with CBD against symptoms from arthritic conditions.

Why Pet Parents Should Use CBD Oil Derived From Hemp For Their Dog

CBD oil derived from hemp is developing a reputation as a beneficial health aid for symptoms relating to conditions for people and animals. Studies for pets are sparse with the few done to this point being more focused on dogs. 

One particular clinical trial focused on CBD’s effects on arthritis symptoms in pups showed positive results. The compound shows promise for helping canines with various ailments. Reasons you might want to consider it for your dog:

The Substance Is Non-Intoxicating: Cannabidiol (CBD) can be found in cannabis as well as hemp. Hemp is rich in the cannabinoid. Cannabis is rich in tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the element that gives marijuana its psychoactive effect. Read about cannabis and dogs at .

Most of the CBD oils on the market are derived from hemp with merely trace to no level of THC, keeping puppy safe from becoming “high.”

CBD Has Anxiolytic Properties: Canines can suffer various types of anxieties, including separation anxiety. CBD oil has the capacity to relax a dog with its anxiolytic properties. 

It reduces instances of stress and replaces it with a sense of calm and makes a dog comfortable when there is discomfort or pain.
The Substance Shows Cancer-Fighting Abilities: According to research, cannabidiol along with other compounds found in the cannabis and hemp plants produce “anti-tumor” effects. 

The compound boasts inhibiting the growth of cancer cells and kills tumor cells using the immune system to block the ability for these cells to produce energy. The substance notes to assist traditional cancer treatments and increases their efficacy.

Assists With Pain Management: Claims suggest that scientists are of the mindset that CBD might be suited as a potential drug class to treat chronic pain because it has shown analgesic properties and powerful anti-inflammatory responses. Its capacity for pain reduction follows all types of discomfort including nerve related.

Helps With Appetite / Nausea: When a pup stops eating, CBD oil stimulates the appetite according to the “National Cancer Institute.” 

Studies indicate the drug is beneficial in reducing symptoms of nausea and vomiting regardless of the cause including cancer treatments.

CBD oil shows promise in many more areas, but nothing is official nor has been documented in an official capacity. Studies need to be done and redone to an exhaustive level when it comes to approving a drug to be used in a medicinal capacity. 

That isn’t stopping people from employing the products into their daily routines or that of their pets. Fortunately, it’s available for the public to be able to make that decision - and take that personal risk.

Final Thought

CBD oil derived from hemp is a nontoxic, natural substance showing as safe for dogs for use either as an alternative to harsh pharmaceuticals that typically cause adverse reactions, or to work cohesively with medical treatment plans issued by vets for severe ailments to increase their efficacy. Take this for details on cannabis products for pets.

The substance has the capacity to reduce symptoms for physical impairments and mental challenges so puppy can progress in age with the potential for disease prevention or at least delay, less likelihood for pain and discomfort, a reasonable level of activity, and a greater quality of life than age typically brings. The compound is definitely worth pet parents trying with their canines for the overall wellness of their faithful companion.