Every kid loves to receive return gifts on occasions like birthday parties or other get-togethers. The thrill and excitement of receiving return gifts can be compared to no other. This is why it is important to buy return gifts that are unique and bring joy to each kid. For most kids, return gifts are sometimes the best part and the very purpose of attending birthday parties. As a gesture towards appreciating their presence, people tend to give away return gifts that range from very expensive to thoughtfully chosen ones. 

You can buy the most amazing return gifts online at attractive prices. Here are the top 5 things to know if you are planning to buy some memorable return gifts for kids.

Value Addition

Every return gift that a child receives should be chosen such that it adds value to their collection of toys and prized possessions. Return gifts should be useful and kids should be able to use them independently. It gives a sense of pride and joy to the little ones that the gifts they receive belong to them and they are able to use it. 

Take, for example, potting or gardening kit. While adult assistance might be required to a certain extent, these could make for very exciting and value-adding return gifts since kids can put them to immediate use. The joy of seeing a seed turn into a sapling and then eventually into a small plant can be amazing.


Kids tend to forget about toys or games that they receive as return gifts, especially if they are not long-lasting. This is why it is important to buy something that can last for a longer time and the child can use it on a continuous basis. While a lot of people tend to put a great amount of thought towards buying a return gift, the return gift itself does not last as long. Return gifts should work as reminders for the kids, both in terms of the memory of the occasion as well as what they learn from it on a continued basis.

Ease of Use

Kids in the age bracket of 5-10 years need assistance in using some of the return gifts. If return gifts are chosen such that they are easy to use and not very complicated, they can bring joy to the children using them. Complicated toys and gifts do not get used and end up in cupboards for a very long duration. If you buy something like a milk mug, it can be easy to use for the kids and they can get excited about putting them to immediate use.

Safety Aspect

Toys, games, accessories – whatever item you choose as return gifts, should be absolutely safe to use for kids of all ages. These should in no way pose to be a danger for them. A lot of products come with certain safety measures. While the safety instructions could be helpful, it is best to avoid purchasing such products in the first place.

Last but not least, you should ensure that the return gift as well as the packaging is made attractive enough for kids to be excited about receiving it. Some items like goodie bags, attractive planter kit boxes, designer water bottles etc. can make for amazing return gifts.