Traditional classroom learning styles have a long hauled history with them. Massive buildings constructed with countless bricks, separate classrooms and a bunch of amenities. They are the key things that have sustained the working of these tangible institutions. Traditional classroom learning is also vaunted for its ability to produce disciplined students. Apart from academic and bookish study, students can also engage in other activities. 

The burgeoning field of education has furnished a vast space for the investment of technological advancements. The internet, with its immense potential, has transformed education from a privilege to an easily attainable thing. One such player on the internet is upGrad, which offers a number of online courses along with a spectrum of benefits. These two distinct ways of acquiring education and professional degree need comparison so that one can conclude the best option to build his/her career.

upGrad's Online Courses vs Traditional Classroom Learning

upGrad’s online courses have garnered commendable attention of the working professionals owing to the exclusive benefits it brings. However, this doesn’t mean traditional classroom learning can be overshadowed as it still holds the largest share in the education industry. Therefore, it will be safe to compare the two on the basis of different parameters.

Pliability of Learning


Freedom of learning style and the option to sit with materials as per personal schedule is one of the elementary things that any individual seeks out. upGrad’s online courses are highly pliable. Once enrolled, the pursuer enjoys greater flexibility, both in the way of learning and the study time which can be adjusted with their own schedule. 

Traditional classroom learning

When compared to the online courses provided by upGrad, traditional classroom learning style are least flexible in any aspect. There is a confined and narrow scope of employing one's own learning style while pursuing the course. Moreover, students have to follow the time-tables of their university/college, which are meant to have adhered strictly. Failing so would result in some or other kind of penalties, which can even extend to disqualification from exams.

Mentor Support and Resolution of Queries


Students pursuing an online course offered by upGrad can seek proper guidance from dedicated personal mentors. They will also have an online collaboration platform, where they can discuss a particular topic, get clarification and resolve doubts of others batchmates. The network of academic fellows provides live sessions and discussion threads where a student can interact with others and can gain in-depth knowledge about anything.

Traditional classroom learning

Mentoring has been a major benefit of classroom-style teaching but is limited. The average ratio of teachers to the numbers of students in India is fairly less when compared to the nations of the West. Classroom learning has hardly addressed this problem since primordial. It has also promulgated a myth that teaching is monologue as it is impossible to nourish each student of the classroom in the way he/she needs. This has also led to the generalisation of teaching methods. Classroom teachers nowadays, scribble their lectures in such a way that it rarely builds the space to raise questions.

Career Support


Career support is the primary benefits that online courses of upGrad bring to the students. It renders personalised career advice from top mentors of the industry. Resume reviews help you to build a strong and impressive resume. upGrad also conducts mock interviews and enables you to practice interview tests. On top of everything, there is no need to wander on the streets as upGrad gives you access to exclusive job opportunities through their partner companies and general hiring drives.

Traditional classroom learning

Traditional courses also score well when it comes to offering support to the students. However, this isn’t a standard case. The demarcation between a good and a ‘bad’ institute is often reckoned by the type and degree of career support they provide. Big institutes have maintained a good record in this case, while the smaller ones who schleps the major share of students fail in various areas.

In-Depth Industry Knowledge


One such reason from the bucket why online courses of upGrad are best suitable for college students is due to its ability to support them with industry based knowledge, instead of unnecessary fluffs. Students can learn from case studies of the top companies in a number of fields such as technology, data, and science. Besides theoretical knowledge, students can also participate in real industry problems via sponsored projects and different hackathons. The list doesn’t end here, students also get personalised feedback on every submitted project, which helps in polishing one’s skill.

Traditional classroom learning

Nowadays, classroom learning styles are also adopting contemporary methods of delivering knowledge. With subject-specific labs and hosting of a plethora of industry-specific knowledge drives, traditional classrooms are producing capable students. They also have an upper edge over the online courses in polishing students' skills with real-world things. Having said this, all these again are differentiated across the industry. The resource gap among the universities and colleges have widened the gap in the graduates they produce at the end of the day.


The aforementioned points and the evaluation of online courses offered by upGrad and traditional classroom learning style on different benchmarks explicitly show why the former has started reigning the education sector. All these added to the wide variety of courses available from various disciplines on upGrad are undoubtedly the perfect option to choose. Furthermore, the courses offered by upGrad are considerably cheap and the company has great success stories over the years.