A career in medicine is one of the most fulfilling and rewarding occupations there is, and this is mainly because it involves helping others and saving lives, which is why so many people are attracted to the idea of becoming a doctor in the first place. 

However, in order to become a GP, one has to go through a certain set of steps, such as getting the right education at a reputable medical school, most of which come with quite stringent entry requirements. Here is a step by step process of how to get a GP job in a big city like Melbourne, Australia. 

Educational Requirements of Becoming a GP in Melbourne Australia
For starters, applicants need to have some background knowledge in the concepts that they’ll be learning during the course, hence they’re expected to have studied subjects such as biology, mathematics and physics during their high school career. It’s also important to get exceptionally good grades in all of your subjects in order to get into the top Aussie Universities.

Now, Australia has numerous medical programs and about 19 medical schools to choose from. Most of these institutions offer a qualification known as the MBBS, which means that once you finish studying you’ll qualify as a Bachelor of Surgery or Doctor of Medicine. 

Some of the medical schools available to choose from include the Monash University Medical School, the James Cook University, the University of West Sidney, Bond University, University of Adelaide, University of Queensland, University of Tasmania, University of Auckland and University of New South Wales to name but a few.

Aside from getting really good grades, students must also pass UMAT test in order to get into these into these institutions. This exam is meant to test your problem solving skills, your level of empathy and ability to understand people, as well as your non-verbal reasoning skills.

In order to go from undergrad to post graduate studies however, you have to go through the Graduate Medical School Admissions Test, which is also known as the GASMAT. The good news is that only 11 universities in Australia necessitate students to complete the GASMAT, and it is more of an academic test that is divided into three sections as well, including:

- Written communication skills 
- Reasoning in Humanities and Social Sciences and;
- Reasoning in Biological and Physical Sciences 

After you’ve completed these assessments you may also be required to go through a medical interview, where you will be tested for your communication skills, creative ability, social responsibility, critical thinking, self-awareness, moral reasoning, empathy, and so much more. 

Because there are so many sections to cover, the interview is often divided into different parts and sessions so as to not overwhelm the applicant. 

After you’ve gone through the 6 year undergraduate programme, you’ll enter into the Graduate Entry program which typically lasts for 4 years. Once you’re done with the GEP, you’ll then receive a Bachelor Degree in Medicine. 

Your journey does on end there however; as you won’t be allowed to practice until you’ve completed a one year internship, which can be completed at any public hospital of your choosing. After that, you’ll spend yet another full year period performing your duties as a general resident which is typically the last step you have to take before you can become a junior doctor. 

So, if you’ve already gone through all these steps, then you’re pretty much ready to start working as a GP. 
Now, it’s important to keep in mind that the medical field in Australia is incredibly competitive, so getting GP jobs in Melbourne or similar cities requires that you get a near perfect UMAT and GASMAT score, as well as a good record during your internship and general resident stint.  

This will make it easier for you to find work, and with a medical recruitment agency such as Alecto Australia by your side, you’ll soon have several options to choose from. Be sure to choose a medical recruitment agency that specialises in GPs, as they’ll most likely have a well-established network of high-quality practices which makes it easier for you to access the right job at the right practice.