Nowadays, every infertile couple is able to solve its problem with the help of surrogacy. There are lots of diverse opinions concerning surrogacy, nevertheless one thing is clear – it helps couples finally create a nuclear family giving them an opportunity to raise a child right from birth. Moreover, often it is even easier to have a baby with a surrogate then adopt one, so an increasing number of couples give preference to surrogacy. 

Surrogacy: Is It Worth It?
Obviously surrogacy has its pros and cons; such an option is ambiguous and always makes people doubt. Surrogate motherhood is perfect for infertile/LGBT couples as well as for singles who want to have kids. Pros of the surrogacy program:

it gives women and men who can’t have kids a chance to become parents and raise a child from birth;
people who apply for surrogacy become legal parents of the child;
the baby born via surrogacy will be biologically related to both parents being born with their DNA;
healthy woman only is able to become a surrogate mother, so the chances of having a miscarriage are minimal;
surrogacy often helps people who are not able to conceive a child by means of any other fertility treatments as well as is much safer for women.

On the flip side, such program also has its cons:
It is expensive. Unfortunately, not every couple is able to afford having a baby via surrogacy.
Surrogacy may be complicated, that’s exactly why it is worth applying to professional team that is aware of all the surrogacy program intricacies.
Sometimes, a surrogate can be too emotionally attached to a baby she carries and may even want to keep the child. In such case, you will have to resolve a conflict in court.

In spite of all the pros and cons, such services are quite relevant and are in demand. Couples should make a decision by themselves and understand whether they are ready to have a child such a way. 

The Requirements
Surrogate mother attends a medical examination. It is required a woman who states willingness to be surrogate to be healthy as well as to be in the age between 20 to 39 years. Only women who have at least one child, are financially stable and have no history of mental illness can become surrogates.

It’s essential a woman who has decided to become surrogate for the first time to be aware of all the rights and obligations. In this regard, it’s important to consult a lawyer before signing any agreement and read it carefully.

A woman who wants to carry a baby for a couple is given some time for thinking over such a serious step. If she agrees, the contract is signed, recorded by a notary and put into effect.

The Programs
Principles of given treatment are not that hard for understanding as they may seem at first sight. At first, you should consider and choose the type of surrogacy which is right for you, then find a surrogate, satisfy all the legal requirements and sign the contract. It is suggested to apply for help to a professional team in order for everything to be done properly.

Modern clinics conduct surrogacy programs which are able to help couples solve the infertility problem, however not every couple is able to afford such a procedure as well as it’s not always possible to have a baby such a way on medical authority.