Gifts make our life brighter and a lot more fun. It's really nice to receive gifts and give them. But everyone can agree that to pick out a gift is much harder than to get it! So what to do when it has been difficult to buy a present for a very dear person on a special occasion? The answer is pretty simple: use the list of the universal special occasion gift ideas that will be able to please any person on any occasion. 

These any event gift ideas that are included in the list can make your life easier and make your special someone really happy!


These are so necessary and, at the same time, universal gifts that never go out of style. Besides gadgets are the best one month anniversary gift ideas. Find the new headphones with a good acoustic effect for a huge music fan, a cool selfie stick if a person likes taking the pictures of him/herself or a cute fitness tracker when you know that a person wants to work on him/herself and shed some extra pounds! There are so many choices out there for your loved one or just a friend.

Gift Certificate

A gift certificate probably is not so personal gift but it's a safe gift option for any occasion. Knowing the person's interests and hobbies, you can give not only the right subscription, you can give a person unforgettable emotions that are more important than the gift itself!


A wristwatch is a classic! You can give a luxury watch like Breitling to your special loved ones. It is a perfect gift because they are essential and elegant at the same time. This is also a good present if you are not familiar with the person's preferences and interests. Any person can never have too many watches!

Framed Picture

It doesn't really matter what the occasion is, the framed picture will be a perfect choice for any. This is a cool gift with sentimental value. Choose and print out a photo of a blessed memory and pop it into an expensive or inexpensive frame depending on your budget. Moreover, such gift as a framed photo is very personal and unique option that will be appropriate in any event.

Cash Gift

Of course, it may sound trite or even a bit old-fashioned, but still, money is a nice gift for any case from the graduation or Birthday to the wedding. Just a word of advice, don't be boring and don`t give money in an envelope! Make giving money creative and the person will be pleasantly surprised and happy to get such a useful gift!

To select a gift isn`t so simple as it may seem at first glance. With these five gift ideas for any occasion, undoubtedly you can make the right choice. But remember one thing – try to give presents with pleasure because it's always the great pleasure to surprise, bring out a smile, give good spirits and a piece of your soul to your special someone!