5 Tips to Save More Money While Traveling
Travelling can get expensive quick. There are numerous easy ways to make travel more affordable, however. By creating a plan beforehand and being conscious of your spending activity, you can stay on budget.

Know where you're going before you get there
Decide what events you're going to be at and what activities you're going to partake in before you get to your destination. While traveling spontaneously can be exciting, you will probably end up spending a lot more money if you don't have a plan. Have a list of places to go to and things to do before you leave home so that you know exactly how much you'll be spending on activities - your wallet will thank you for it.

Book your hotel room in advance
For many travelers, lodging is where they will spend a majority of their travel budget. Book your room ahead of time in order to get the best rates at hotels. You'd be surprised at how much you can save by using this tip. Just make sure that you're aware of a hotel's cancellation and refund policy before you book with them.

Cook your own food instead of eating out
Find ideas for meals online and shop for groceries once you get to your destination. You can save hundreds of dollars on a trip by cooking instead of dining out. What could you do with hundreds of dollars? If staying for an extended period of time consider a hotel with a kitchen.

Use less-expensive transportation options
Bus passes are very affordable in most places. If you need transportation during your trip, consider using the bus, renting a bike, or walking. Using taxis and even ride-share apps like Uber and Lyft can get expensive. Get stuck in traffic in a taxi and sometimes your bill can double! Look into transportation options in the area you're visiting and pick a cost-effective solution. 

Go to free local events and festivals
Especially around holidays and the beginning of a new season, there are usually tons of free community events happening almost anywhere. Before you leave, check to see if there are any events going on in the area that interest you. If you're traveling somewhere to visit family, a local community event could be a fun family day out. If you're traveling with the intention of visiting the area, even better. What better way to get to know a city than to participate in the community?

Don't pack more than you need
If you're traveling by air, try not to pack any more items than what's allowed for free. Checking bags can get expensive (usually around $50 per bag per flight) and most of the time, you'll find that you needed a lot less than what you packed anyway. Aside from being cheaper, you'll save energy because you won't have to drag around all of that extra luggage.