The divorce rate, like many other things, varies from generation to generation. Cultures and even people tend to change over times. Values important to one group of people become viewed differently by their children, and the gap between the two widen. And even the laws from state-to-state differ greatly when it comes to how marriages are settled in their respective divorce courts. In Florida, for instance, a Miami divorce lawyer needs to approach a case differently than one in Pittsburgh. The meaning of modern-day divorce has experienced a change from past definitions and the divorce rates are there to prove it.

Who is Staying Together?
Oddly enough, it’s the younger couples of the millennial generation who are staying together. Studies show that divorce rates for younger marriages have actually decreased. Meanwhile, the previous generations are seeing higher divorce rates than ever. One of the reasons behind the declining divorce rates for Millennial couples may have to do with the fact that younger people are not getting married at all. 

Studies by the Pew Research Center show that only around 26% of adult millennials are actually married. Meanwhile the generations before millennials show a much higher marriage rate. There are more marriages per generation the farther back you look. Perhaps one of the most significant factors for this sloping trend is that the concepts of marriage and divorce are interpreted differently by newer generations.

The average age for married persons is also increasing, as a greater number of people are waiting until their thirties to commit to matrimony. Location and personal preference are also important factors in this new generation’s reason for divorce. Rural and southern areas see younger marriages than urban areas. Once a significant factor in both marriage and divorce, religious beliefs are declining as a factor in individuals’ decisions to enter and leave marriages.  

Who is Getting Divorced
Although the divorce rate is declining among millennials, there are still an enormous number of divorces occurring every year. Recent studies by The National Center for Family & Marriage Research show that around 16 out 1,000 women are divorcees. In 2015, just over 1,000,000 women divorced. And while divorce rates are declining, issues leading to divorce, like finances, infidelity, and abuse remain problematic. With divorce comes a variety of legal issues that a divorce lawyer should review and negotiate on their client’s behalf: division of assets and debt, child custody, support, et cetera.  

Issues Following a Divorce
When divorce is on the table, there are going to be emotional, financial, and legal issues, no matter what your age is. Unless you entered a prenuptial agreement there’s probably going to be a debate over who should receive which assets after the separation. While younger couples who have been married for less time may only have to deal with the division of property and debt, the longer you’ve been married the more factors there are to negotiate. Child custody, child support, and even alimony are just some of the important issues you should review with a trained, professional family law attorney/ 
Hiring a Divorce Lawyer 
A divorce lawyer can evaluate your case and help you make a firm, informed decision. Custody battles, asset division, and property control are not subjects that you should take lightly. With a divorce lawyer, you’ll have a legal representative who knows how to work towards the court results you want. If you’re in the middle of a nasty divorce, then it’s a good idea to find a divorce lawyer who will bring the legal know-how you’re going to need. Contact an experienced family law attorney who handles divorce before making a move that can affect you for the rest of your life.