Bachelorette parties are special, unique and memorable events to celebrate the bride-to-be ahead of the big day. Holding such events involves making choices and decisions that are at times hard. It is crucial to meet all the factors that contribute towards the success of the party in advance. The following are the seven important things to consider to have the best bachelorette parties in Europe.

1.    Involve the bride
The initial stage of having the best bachelorette party involves reaching out to the bride. Gather all relevant information on what kind of a party the bride would like to have. For instance, some would not want to have men in thongs and shot glasses tied around the neck party while others would prefer a calmer event. Theme color is also vital since it gives guidelines on what kind of decorations to acquire and even the dress code. After getting the crucial information on what the bride would like to have then, plan everything around her comfort zone.

2.    Create a list of guests
Creating a list of guests is something that calls for caution. The best thing to do is to invite close friends and relatives. Wedding guest list is a valuable tool when it comes to making invitations since it gives a clue of some of the people the bride would like to have in attendance on her special day. Alternatively, one can ask the bride to help in creating a guest list.

3.    Plan ahead
Prior planning is quite significant since it eliminates chances of the last-minute rush. The best thing to do during this stage is to involve the guests since they can help in making the event standout. Let them know what the bride would like the party to be. Allow the guests to propose ideas on the venues, decorations and also about the activities of the day. Some fun activities to engage in during the bachelorette's party include:
•    Games such as scavenger hunt, balloon games 
•    Trailblazers such as dare-to-do lists

4.    Budget
Create a list of all items and accessories such as a tiara, novelty veil, and candy jewelry with their estimated costs. Evaluate the charges of the different proposed venues and entertainment costs. Settle on the most affordable items and venue. Discuss the details with the guests to establish whether the budget is within their reach.

5.    Make reservations
After settling on the most convenient and affordable venue, make a reservation. Among the most important things to consider when booking are the date, time and expected number of guests. It is also important to notify the management of the menu and the theme color so that they can arrange what they don’t have in advance.

6.    Invite the groom
The essence of involving the groom is to make him feel a part of the festivities and helps remind the bride that she is getting married. Let him do something special for the bride such as surprising her with champagne, chocolate-dipped strawberries or some flowers.

7.    Create an itinerary 
Create a simple itinerary with all the necessary details and share it with the guests. A hard copy of the schedule can do but, it is hard to meet up with the guests before the party’s date, consider sending them a soft copy. Some of the things to consider are the venue location, theme color, and the day’s activities. The itinerary helps the guests to know when and where they are supposed to be especially in a situation of an out-of-town party.

8.    Surprise the bride
Surprising the bride plays a vital role since it sets the mood for the day and helps create a memorable event. The surprise may involve not disclosing to the bride about the venue and the date.

Just like other occasions, there are some hiccups associated with bachelorette parties as well. Such disappointments involve the venue or guests failure to attend the party.  Therefore, there is a great need for the party planner to confirm the number of the attending guests one day before. It is also essential to visit the venue one day before the date of the party to verify whether everything is in order. It is also vital to have an alternative venue just in case the selected site is unavailable or unable to meet the party’s requirements.