Moving house can seem like a difficult and daunting task, and it is exactly that. There are so many things to consider like changing your address for every official document, organising to have your belongings moved with a trusted company, cleaning the house to make sure you get those deposits back, and then there's planning the actual day of moving - who's going to help and how. It's a lot to think about, especially when you have a million other things on your mind like work, school, the kids, etc. 

Moving house can be stressful, but planning is essential if you want to make the moving process as hassle free and smooth as possible. So find or create a guide on how to efficiently move house, to make life a little simpler for yourself.

Who to tell is possibly the most time consuming and tedious part of moving, and requires a lot of thought on your part to ensure you let everyone know your new address. The list of who requires these new details can seem never ending. Some of the most important are banks, insurance providers, schools, universities, the council, internet and phone providers, and the doctor. You might have forgotten how many institutions need your address to communicate and make sure that the bills are arriving in the right place. There are many websites online which can help you to create a checklist of who to tell, and to make sure you don't miss out the important ones. There are also companies that help you to do this, where you put in your details and they send out the important memos for you. However, if you want to do it yourself, just make sure you create a list and check off each box one by one. Give yourself time to do this, and start early, so that you're not leaving everything last minute.

When it comes to transferring all your belongings to your new home, it can feel overwhelming because of the sheer amount of stuff you didn't realise you owned, as well as coming to terms with the emotional attachment you might feel when leaving your previous house. It is important to entrust your belongings to a reputable company, so that you know your favourite bookshelf won't arrive battered and broken. There are numerous removal companies operating in every country, it's just about choosing the right one for you and your possessions. Personal recommendations are a great place to start when choosing your prefered company, and make sure you get quotes so that you're not overspending on a faulty service. Transport Executive is one of the most trusted removal companies in the UK, and provide a reputable transfer service that you can trust. They provide services within the UK and Europe, and promise to have your stuff moved from your house or flat safely and efficiently. 

Decluttering your household is another tedious task that will most likely leave you wondering "how did I ever accumulate this much stuff!". Take what you need, and leave the rest behind or donate it to charity. A new house is a new beginning, and throwing away old and useless things will make you feel a lot better about starting fresh. It's a good idea to get the stuff you're taking with you professionally packed, as often insurance doesn't cover the things you've packed yourself. So in case something does go wrong, you can rest assured you won't be paying for someone else's mistake.

Moving house is a great opportunity for a new beginning, to create new hopes and dreams and a clean environment for you and your family. Although it can be stressful and time consuming, creating a checklist of what to do and when to do it by can be extremely beneficial in making the process of moving a smooth and stress-less one.