Did you know that living in the city can be incredibly bad for your mental health? It’s true and apparently it’s far less stressful to live out of town in the suburbs. Here’s another fun fact, schizophrenia is more common in the city too. So, if you ever thought your neighbor was crazy, they probably are and it’s due to the stress of city life.

But, we don’t want to say goodbye to urban life, do we? After all, this is where the action is, the excitement. Instead, we need to think about what causes city stress and how to eliminate it.

Oh No, The Monday Morning Commute

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It doesn’t matter if you’re traveling twenty minutes down the road. The Monday morning commute can be a massive nightmare. Of course, it’s nothing compared to the mad rush on Friday to get home early. Each time, we’re stuck in traffic honking our horns, cursing at other motorists. We shouldn’t really because they are in exactly the same position. So, how can you avoid this stressy activity?

Well, before anyone even suggests it, public transport is not the answer. Stuck in a cramped face with fifty odd strangers? Um, no thanks! As well as this you can almost guarantee that at least one day in the week public transport will be late. Sod’s law will make sure it’s the day when you most need to be in work on time.

Instead, you think think about getting a compact vehicle that still whizzes you right through traffic. We think you should look into buying something like a Tao Tao Scooter. You’ll love not being held back by traffic jams anymore. You can zip right through and if you’re office is only a few blocks away it really is the perfect option.

Urgh, Noise Pollution

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If you’re picking an apartment in the city for college or just a new place to live, we have one piece of advice. Go high, and by high we really mean it. You do not want an apartment on the ground floor for a couple of reasons. First, you’ll get lots of bugs and beasties. Second, there’s the chance of flooding. But perhaps most important of all is the issue of noise. You have no idea how loud traffic can be until you’ve lived in the center of town in a ground floor apartment. If you do have this problem, we suggest asking your landlord if you can upgrade the windows. We don’t see why they’d say no. It would make the apartment more valuable and attractive to new tenants when you move on.

Ahh, Queues, Queues Everywhere!

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It’s nice being close to the shops isn’t it? Until you realise every time, you want to go shopping they are jampacked with other people. Today being the prime example of this because it is after all, Black Friday. Just the name sends shivers down our spine. The good news is you can avoid the hullabaloo by shopping online. Get everything you need, avoid the queues and keep stress levels low. We have a sneaky suspicion this is one of the reason country folk are so much happier. After all, they have no choice but to shop online.