Everyone has seen this picture of Kanye West kissing Kim Kardashian. The picture was taken taken by Getty photographer Jason Meritt. It was at the Grammys. Then soon after that, the talented illustrator Jen Lewis decided to make it super funny.

This is the original snippet:

And this is Lewis's version:

Unrelated but Lewis is actually very cute too..

It was basically meme gold by then. Then a year went by, and suddenly, we saw a huge mural of the Kanyes painted on a wall in Sydney by graffiti artist Scott Marsh.

It was still cool, up until Marsh announced that he was selling it for $100,000.

Did Kanye wanted it?

Marsh was also selling a smaller version for $40.

Then 3 weeks later, someone paid Marsh $100,000 to cover it up. Did it really happen? Or was Marsh just so clever at marketing himself?

Marsh contacted Lewis, asking if she'd like to be added in the posts. Which seems odd, because he stole the idea and profited from it.

You can read the whole story here.

Did he really make a profit?