Got an ex you don't like anymore that's still harassing you over texts? Then worry no more. Here are some ideas for replies to steal from. They are perfect to shut someone up almost immediately. Either way, check it out:

1. Have amnesia.

2. Flat out no.

3. Hahaha and bye.

4. Do a comparison.

5. Treat it like spam mail.

6. Show how creepy they are.

7. Give them directions.

8. Tell them they remind you of stuff.

9. Ask about dreams.

10. Talk dirty like this.

11. Empathize and say goodnight.

12. Talk dirty part 2.

13. Give closure.

14. Join in the conversation.

15. Tell them the truth.

16. The Magic Conch has all the answers.

17. No one is irreplaceable.

18. Give suggestions.