How do you fight terror on the Internet? You do it in a cute way like this: Meet ISIS-chan. She's here to tell you that knives are for cutting melons. And nothing else. That means, don't use them for violence, please.

The crowd-sourced anime character has become a popular anti-ISIS meme on social media.

This is her profile:

Kawaii is justice.

Melons are what you should chase. Not violence!

ISIS-chan is just too cute!

ISIS-chan's goal is to bring peace and melons to ISIS members.

She wants to teach them that knives are for cutting melons, not violence. She was created by Japanese social media users in January as part of a widespread online response to ISIS releasing a video threatening the lives of two Japanese hostages. The creators of the movement became more determined to make ISIS-chan spread throughout the world after the hostages were killed.

Hopefully, this will wreck ISIS's propaganda online.