More moms are breastfeeding these days, and it's actually tougher than it sounds. There are struggles to get your baby to latch on, and then, there are times when you have to wake up every few hours to nurse. Here are some of the things that all breastfeeding moms know to be true:

1. The first few days you wonder if your milk has come in. Then suddenly, it all kicks in!

2. Your vocabulary increases with words like ‘latch’, ‘let down’, and ‘colostrum’

3. You are very thankful for your smartphone. Because it can get quite boring sometimes.

4. You have a degree in ‘finding the right breastfeeding pillow’.

5. When your baby won’t settle anywhere but at your breast. Carrying won't work. But you'll figure it.

6. When you discover how to breastfeed lying down

7. Mastitis is your worst fear. It's painful!

8. Praying and hoping boob to cot works. Boob to cot!!

9. Your clothes need to come off perfectly for convenience.

10. And then you spend a while looking for clothes that will do just that.

11. When your baby knows that's the only thing he wants.

12. The excitement of the boob when it's feed time!

13. When your baby pauses to smile at you.

14. Feeding an acrobat baby. It happens!

15. When you have another baby and you it's this all over again!