It's no longer taboo to be nude in a movie anymore these days. It's art. And the sooner most people realize that, the better it will help their careers. Here are some 8 actresses who had the spotlight constantly being shone on them after their scenes.

1. Nastassja Kinski in Boarding School (1978). It was not her first movie, but it gave her career a start.

2. Kathleen Turner in Body Heat (1981). It was her first movie. Before it, she was a TV actress.

3. Angelina J0lie in Cyborg 2 (1983). She was a child actor before that, but was never famous.

4. Natasha Henstridge in Species (1995). Her debut made horror films good.

5. Charlize Theron in 2 Days in the Valley (1996). She's a crazy huge star today.

6. Eva Green in The Dreamers (2003). Everyone stopped doing what they did and paid attention.

7. Margo Stilley in 9 Songs in 2004.

8. Aomi Muyock in Love (2015). Time will tell if this was a good move. But it almost surely is.