Like taking selfies? Group selfies perhaps? Then if you do, you should probably read this. Because according to reports, you could get lice. Imagine getting close up to someone for a picture, not knowing if they've got lice or not. Your heads touch. You smile. The camera snaps and takes a picture. But something else happens.

According to the Daily Mail:

Wisconsin physician Sharon Rink has dubbed the phenomenon ‘social media lice’ and says it is being caused by group selfie snaps that cause friends to bump heads.

‘Teenagers don’t usually get lice because they’re not sharing hats and things like that,’ Wink told WBAY.

‘And lice can’t jump, so the only way they can transmit lice is touching their heads together, and that’s happening with all these photos.’

Okay, yikes. Lice. That's scary. Moral of the story? Don't take a wefie.